Healing - Spiritual Life Coach Emmy https://spirituallifecoach.com.au Reiki Healing, Reiki Massage, PEMF Therapy, Spiritual Life Coaching Wed, 18 Dec 2024 11:18:36 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/spirituallifecoach.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-cropped-Logo-Design-011.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Healing - Spiritual Life Coach Emmy https://spirituallifecoach.com.au 32 32 194859868 Blue Dragon Oil Massage – kundalini https://spirituallifecoach.com.au/blue-dragon-oil-massage/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=blue-dragon-oil-massage Sat, 14 Dec 2024 04:30:10 +0000 https://spirituallifecoach.com.au/?p=944 The purpose of a Blue Dragon Oil massage is to help prepare your sacral energy for a kundalini awakening. As your kundalini energy activates within you, it is important to ensure that your chakras are in alignment. It is also important that you have completed most of your major shadow work. Channelling the Blue Dragon
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The post Blue Dragon Oil Massage – kundalini first appeared on Spiritual Life Coach Emmy.

The purpose of a Blue Dragon Oil massage is to help prepare your sacral energy for a kundalini awakening.

As your kundalini energy activates within you, it is important to ensure that your chakras are in alignment. It is also important that you have completed most of your major shadow work.

Channelling the Blue Dragon energy, I work to cleanse and purify your sacral energy centre, bringing it back into harmonic balance with the heart. If there’s any old residue of negative emotion held in this life force chakra, these will be released during this session.

The sacral chakra is the energy centre of desire, creativity, sexuality, and intuition. Through the Blue Dragon Oil Massage, you will improve relationships and sexual health, form deeper connections, feel re-energised and regenerated, awaken your creative power and passions and re-birth.

Working with the blue dragon energy this sacral energy bodywork aims to purify, cleanse and balance the sacral energy helping to initiate limitless creation.

This professional 60-minute full-body massage using heated oil relaxes muscles and improves overall health and well-being.

Cost: $175 for first-time treatment or $250 for 90 minutes (Introductory offer). Please note, 90 minutes may be required if your chakras are not in alignment. There are no concessions offered for this treatment. Book now through the link or SMS/email if you have an alternative requested booking time.

The post Blue Dragon Oil Massage – kundalini first appeared on Spiritual Life Coach Emmy.

Why Mother Earth’s Passion is Us https://spirituallifecoach.com.au/why-mother-earths-passion-is-us/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=why-mother-earths-passion-is-us Fri, 24 Mar 2023 00:00:29 +0000 https://spirituallifecoach.com.au/?p=861 Just like most mothers, Mother Earth wants to keep us safe and nourish and support us in every way possible – she wants us to have it all and we can when we let go and TRUST.  When our base (or root) chakra is balanced we are centred, grounded and happy to be alive. We feel safe and secure and we fully trust
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The post Why Mother Earth’s Passion is Us first appeared on Spiritual Life Coach Emmy.

Just like most mothers, Mother Earth wants to keep us safe and nourish and support us in every way possible – she wants us to have it all and we can when we let go and TRUST. 

When our base (or root) chakra is balanced we are centred, grounded and happy to be alive. We feel safe and secure and we fully trust in the process of life. We know that every step we take there is firm solid ground to put each foot upon.

If we worry, feel anxious or are cynical about anything, the foundation of our being is compromised and our base chakra can become blocked. If we are greedy or have a lust for power, are aggressive or too materialistic, our base chakra can become overactive. Staying grounded means being balanced.

A few proven ways to stay grounded include:

Spending time in nature 

Connecting with Mother Earthly love is beneficial. Getting amongst nature and feeling it will ground you pretty much straight away. Things like beach walks, bush walks, camping, swimming at the creek are just a few ideas. Appreciate nature whilst doing these things.

Earthing yourself

Kick off your socks and shoes and stand barefoot on the grass or sand and simply sink in those feet and feel the connection to the heart centre of mother earth. Allow her love energy to enter your veins and wash through your body cleansing and clearing away the past.

Smashing scarcity

Removing the concept of scarcity from your mindset will be a great help. You know that there is plenty of everything for everyone! Shortages are just an illusion that we can smash fairly easily.

Using earth healing frequencies

Listening to 432Hz miracle tone music which are natures healing frequency will help us to balance our base chakra in minutes.

Being grateful

Giving and receiving with a grateful heart gets us ready. Every morning think of ten things to be grateful for and give thanks for all the blessings in your life. Bless the past, bless all past experiences, shine the light and let it go. These experiences have given us growth and wisdom and shape who we are today.

Being positive

Only give momentum to positive thoughts only. We have to ditch any thoughts that do not feel good. If a thought doesn’t feel good, it does not serve our good or the good of the universe. We have to stop worry or doubt in its tracks and don’t let it take momentum.

Using affirmations

When we use affirmations like: I am always safe, I completely trust in the process of life, all my wants and needs are fully supported, I am ready to receive my good, they will help get us to get centred and are especially helpful if we are feeling anxious.

Breath work and meditation

Breathing deeply and meditating daily will keep you grounded, and get your chakras into alignment at the start of every day. Meditation gets us into the receptive mode of creative ideas and birthing our desires.

Chakra alignment

Keep your chakras in alignment by staying balanced, centred, happy and positive and allow the energy to flow through your body from your feet all the way up to your crown, the universe and beyond.

The base chakra supports the sacral chakra. In order to birth desires we have to have a balanced base. Worry needs to be banished for good and we then have to choose to be happy to be alive, to know that we are safe and secure in everything that we do.

A reiki healing or a reiki massage will also get you into alignment. To book a treatment click here.

The post Why Mother Earth’s Passion is Us first appeared on Spiritual Life Coach Emmy.

Healing Retreat Gold Coast https://spirituallifecoach.com.au/healing-retreat-goldcoast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=healing-retreat-goldcoast Tue, 29 Jan 2019 18:34:25 +0000 http://spirituallifecoach.com.au//?p=1 Register your interest in a Gold Coast Healing Retreat. To a lot of people healing sounds like an airy-fairy idea but it is very real. When we experience pain, discomfort or dis-ease in any part of our body there is a good chance that there is energy that wants to be released. Every ailment presents
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The post Healing Retreat Gold Coast first appeared on Spiritual Life Coach Emmy.

Register your interest in a Gold Coast Healing Retreat.

To a lot of people healing sounds like an airy-fairy idea but it is very real. When we experience pain, discomfort or dis-ease in any part of our body there is a good chance that there is energy that wants to be released. Every ailment presents itself as an opportunity to acknowledge something needs to be looked at, released and transmuted to the light.

When we hold onto negative thoughts, when we don’t deal with our emotions by suppressing them and pushing them away we are creating potential health issues for ourselves. This pent-up energy has to go somewhere, and quite often it ends up getting stored in our body and in our cells causing physical issues.

So every health issue is actually an opportunity for clearing, for our own evolution, expansion and transformation. We came to the earth to learn in this school of life, to be creative and expand our consciousness. As a whole, we’ve come a long way and are maturing. However, one of the main things we have all experienced is programming and this has closed us off to a lot of wisdom that would have helped us to stay well, be happy and healthy and realise that we are powerful creators.

The other issue that has impacted us is our environment. The air, the water and the soil have been polluted and contaminated and we have had to deal with a lot of toxicity including heavy metals. But we are still here, going strong and we have the will to heal and to be the best version of ourselves and that’s amazing. We are committed to overcoming every obstacle and every challenge that lies before us.

Join us for a Transformational Healing Retreat on the Gold Coast. These retreats hold a space held for rapid, cleansing, clearing, letting go and increasing your vibration and help you to unlock your own hidden healing abilities.

At a healing retreat, you will experience a huge clearing of low-frequency ‘trapped’ energy through a number of personal one-on-one treatments that are specific to you and the health and life changes you would like to make.

Enjoy energy healing workshops, equipping you with all you need to know to become the most vibrant and healthy you, you’ve ever been.

The Gold Coast Healing Retreats are to help you clear energies of the past, leaving you light and able to forge a deeper connection with your higher self, angels, guides and with source.

The retreat will be held in a peaceful setting in Robina overlooking Lake Orr, including wholesome vegan food and detox juices.

Register your interest today for a healing retreat to remember that is potentially life-changing and transformative.

Healing Retreat Gold Coast – register your interest today


The post Healing Retreat Gold Coast first appeared on Spiritual Life Coach Emmy.
