PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy stimulates the body to heal and regenerate itself and help improve your immune system, metabolism and blood circulation. The bio-magnetic pulsation (PEMF) alternating magnetic poles is especially beneficial for bones, joints, and tendons.
You can relax, relieve stress, and revitalize. PEMF therapy can be used for injury rehabilitation and help with conditions like fatigue and depression and improve sleep.
The therapy is helpful to maintain a healthy heart, an inspired and invigorated mind and it can help improve your immune system, metabolism and blood circulation. The treatment can detoxify the body helping to improve problems with the back, joints and muscles.
The bio-magnetic pulsation (PEMF) alternating magnetic poles 4, 8, 10, or 12 times per second is especially beneficial for bones, joints, and tendons.
About PEMF Healing
I have two PEMF mats. The first is a wonderful healing mat full of amethyst crystals, more than 6 kilos in fact (pictured left). This purple Infrared Heat PEMF Photon Bio-Magnetic Amethyst Agate Mat 220-240V – click here to read more as well as crystal rays, it has heating, negative ions, FIR (FAR infrared), PEMF Magnetism and photon light bio-stimulation. This mat was made in Korea. The mat works with natures’ earth frequencies and it helps to relax, relieve stress, and revitalize. It can be used for injury rehabilitation and it can also help with conditions like fatigue and depression and can help improve sleep.
The benefits of the mat alone are endless. However, I like to combine the PEMF treatment with Reiki, meditation and sound, to further increase the bodies’ natural ability to heal and repair itself.
The second mat I use is a clinical grade, state of the art Curatron System – a Curatron 2000 Ultra Power 3D with its 500 Gauss (50 mT – milli Tesla) Mattress with a control unit that has specific settings to treat a variety of conditions. It was made in Israel.
The mat gives very powerful PEMF’s, which can be felt easily with the test magnet, even far above the mattress as it is a 3D healing system. The patient’s whole body is literally “bathed” completely inside and out by these very strong pulsed electromagnetic fields. Read more about the benefits of PEMF here.